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Dear Barko employees, I trust this message finds you well. As we continue to navigate the dynamic landscape of the financial industry, it is imperative that we prioritize the security and confidentiality of our clients’ information. To strengthen our commitment to compliance and uphold the trust our clients place in us, we are excited to announce the rollout of the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) and Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA) awareness programs.

Why POPIA and FICA Training?

  1. Legal Compliance:
  • POPIA and FICA are critical legal frameworks designed to safeguard the personal and financial information of our clients.
  • Compliance with these regulations is not just a requirement; it is a testament to our dedication to ethical business practices.
  1. Client Trust:
  • Clients choose us because they trust us with their sensitive information. Demonstrating our commitment to data protection through compliance builds and reinforces this trust.
  1. Reputation Enhancement:
  • By ensuring that all employees are well-versed in POPIA and FICA, we bolster our reputation as a responsible and trustworthy financial institution.
  1. Risk Mitigation:
  • Compliance reduces the risk of legal actions and financial penalties. Knowledgeable employees are our first line of defense against potential breaches.
  1. Professional Development:
  • POPIA and FICA training will not only enhance our understanding of regulatory requirements but also contribute to our professional development, making us more versatile and valuable in the industry.