OOCS (Loan Consultant training)

Current Status
Not Enrolled
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This programme is currently closed


A Warm Welcome to the OOCS Programme!

The management of Barko wants to wish you a successful journey as you embark on this journey.

The OOCS is designed to equip you to be a successful LC and give excellent customer service.

Ensure that you fully understand each concept as you work through this programme. If you are unsure about anything please ask your manager for clarification.

We trust that you will enjoy this learning path as you grow into reaching your full potential.

During the OOCS module references will be made to the following acronyms:

LC – Loan Consultant
CT – Cash Teller
BM – Branch Manager
AM – Area Manager
Ops – Operational Manager

Please remember: We say “YES” to lifelong learning and “NO” to “I did not know”. Please stop and learn a new word. If you do not understand or need a definition of any of the words in this programme, you can click on the link below:
